
holiday - Day 1

so today is my first day of leave and being a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) for 5 days.cewahh, who knows kalau ada rezeki inshaaAllah boleh betul2 join SAHM's club,amin amin!
so how did i spend my day so far?
well of course i use most of the time playing with my sonshine.ni kira ganti balik all the time mommy spent doing her assignments and work.kesian anak mommy.so 5 hari cuti ni mommy kelek Umar je la ye sayang?
teheee :D
so now i can dig in the book chest :D
pheww, it's not that i can only take a look at the novels which i bought during BBW but i can also  read them one by one.sebelum ni tengok je dengan rasa bersalah 

so this is my current reading

so far i have fun reading it .more to come bebeh


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