
gosh..u should let me know at d first place!

finally i managed to get thru my sayang yesterday *grin*..he's been busy with his final reports and stuff.ookayyyyyyy..but at least u should just lemme know kan?

know what?...i checked his myspace only to find out that he met with an accident last month around march d 10th.he was with haikal during that accident and they bump into a girl who rode racklessly.gosh..he did even let me know about it.his reason is "i don't want u to be worried.i'm ok"...

of course i'm worried for god sake.belakang dia luka and kinda bad.haikal too.owh..how i wish i could just fly to him the second he told me the whole bunch of story.i'm sad.yes,honestly..

it is as if i'm nobody to him.yes,no doubt that he don't want me to be worried of his condition.BUT i need to know that.rasa cam..urghhhh..


pls sayang..don't do that ever again.it hurts me to know that u r sick.


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