dah lama tak meng-update blog..i'm busy with nothing.ngeheee..
well,my akad nikah went smoothly as planned *syukur*...many of my relatives came and offered their helping hands.i'm so touched.my friends also came to celebrate my happy moments.million thanks everybody.i couldn't say much but i'm so happy and thankful to have everybody during my big day.
my akad nikah started after Asar prayer.i was so freaking nervous,i bet he felt the same way too.Alhamdulillah denagan sekali lafaz,i'm officially his wife :)
i had mixed feeling during that time..
1. i was so happy that finally we are husband and wife,after all the ups and downs and whatnots,i couldn't be happier.happy to finally been able to spend the rest of my life with the one i love :)
hopefully it will alst till our last breath.
2. i was sad because my parents were not there to witness my happy moments.it's not that they don't want to be there but since my dad was not really well that time,he did not manage to be there and my mum,being a very hardworking mak wanted to make sure that everything was ok and well prepared at home.well,indeed everything was perfect.thank u mak n abah :)
3.i was scared due to the fact that now i am somebody's wife and i have to hold a big responsibility to make sure everything is ok.after this,i can no longer act like a child when the fact that i know i would still be (sayang u know me better kan? :D)
i can no longer act and do whatever i want,i mean not without my husband's permission.dah tak boleh nak pikir pasal diri sendiri..huuu,berat jugak eh?but i know i can handle myself well with my husband's help.
i cannot express my feelings in words..yes,i am extremely happy of what and who i am now.
and i cannot wait for my reception this coming december :)hopefully everything will go smoothly as planned.
dear friends and relatives,thank u for being there during my akad nikah.i am looking forward to see u guys again during the reception.
for those u did not attend my akad nikah,i'll see u during the reception ya?
lots of love;
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