after working hour,me n shaiful decided to fetched my sister from the office and ambik elfee kat umah mak ara for some minum2 petang.we went to Plaza Masalam.after jalan2 and after my sister did the grocery at Giant we decided to buy drinks at Starbucks and lepak2 dekat padang.just for the sake of nak bawak elfee jalan2 and lari2 since my brother in law buat OT and elfee haven't got the chance nak main2 dekat playground sebab samapi umah pon dah malam.
at the Starbucks,i met Farah.i was so shocked to see her because it has been ages since i saw her,i think the last time would be December last year.. :)
then we went to the padang..elfee amcam teruja because it was his first time there.hahaha..pity u lil munchkin :)
so here are some pixs i managed to capture at the padang :D

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