it has been so long since i watched movie so yesterday me n hubby decided to go out for a movie at Cineleisure.after some arguement (bukan gaduh baling2 pinggan gaduh sebab dua2 org tanak buat decision nak pegi mana or tgk movie apa) i being a very good wifey mengalah (ehemmm..hahahha) and decided to go there and also decide what movie to watch.since dah lama tak tengok movie so i have no idea which movie yang best or baru or whatnot :D
finally we decided to watch 'BURIED'
the movie was a 740pm show and we still got 1 hour and a half before the show so we went to The Curve for some drinks and cuci2 mata :D
and around 720pm we went to cineleisure for the movie
at first everything seemed okay..15mins passed by and i could say that there were a lot of cursing involved.i was like okheyyyyyy, very NICE (dah la ada parents yang bawak young babay to the hall,i wonder how it was possible since the movie is 18 classified..memang A!)
couple sebelah aku pulak makan jeruk sebelah aku..out of many food kenapala kau pilih jeruk?and the smell gosh..macam bau kepam mende ntah..makan la pop corn ke, i mean other snacks yang tak berbau.pastu dok buat romantic action sebelah aku which is soooo annoying for heaven sake!aku dah buat poker face and my husband kept on reminding me not to make such face :p
ok..takpe la yang tu..and the story was like erm..not to my expectation.haha.
and at the end of the story,me n hubby cursed.hahahahaha!i think most of the people in the hall cursed too.
after the movie,we went for sight seeing around KL.haha..that was what we used to do when we were still 'just friend'.ngahahahahha :D
after that pegi makan2 supper kat Barakah AU2..nyum2..
i had a blast day with him.thanks sayang :)
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