me n hubster took Umar for his monthly check up and jab. he slept all the way until we reached the hospital and whilst waiting for our turn.he now weighs 4.8kgs which is a bit of surprise for us.i thought he would only weigh 4kgs.hahaha.bravo lil man :D
well, i'll be going back to my hometown in Kedah and finish up my confinement period there.need to do post-natal massage and shave Umar's head bald.i'll be staying there for some weeks and that means hubster will be staying here bujangan :D
so this is Umar's pic at the hospital

Umar in his deep sleep
Umar baby kiut n hensem hehehe~~~ aunty rose dtg die nangis2 lak yek :) smoga sihat n membesar bgi johan tau hehehe~~
kiut mcm mommy dia la kan aunty rose?hee,thank u aunty rose n aunty ctot sbb dtg jenguk umar,aritu bagi intro jek.hehehehhe
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