I've read somewhere about prioritising certain things in you life. It hits me hard on my face. Terasa bersalah pulak bila dah baca sebab selalu sangat prioritise unimportant things than what I should and selalunya pada benda yang hakiki la (work related matter, gaji dibayar untuk kerja hakiki tapi buat benda yang tidak dibayar gaji). Let's say kalau buat benda yang bukan priority tu time weekends should be no problem la tapi pi buat time kerja. *tsk tsk tsk*
Bersalahkan aku? Berdosakah aku? Haihhhh!
Time kerja kadang-kadang selalu mengelat. Lepas lunch hour boleh pulak pi jalan-jalan, shopping bagai. Apala hang ni Tim! Tapi tula yang best and excites me, tambah-tambah kalau ada gang sekepala.hehehehe!! Tapi sometimes we need to do things yang boleh buat kita semangat sikit since work related matter ni selalunya sangat routine kan? And since i'm in teaching line and bukan 24jam ada class so tduring free time tu boleh la kan buat benda lain sat?NO?? Ewah, sempat pulak nak memenangkan diri. Tapi tak la selalu aku buat macam tu. Takdela aku lagi pentingkan/focus dengan benda yang bukan hakiki dari yang aku patut prioritise. So far I'm still on the right track.
BUTTTTT, having said that, still rasa bersalah. Okay hopefully after this I'm able to prioritise things which I should/must and put aside the unimportant things for a while. It's a kind of Jihad as well kan? hehehehe!!
Enough said, dah pi buat kerja nu Tim oiiiiii!!!
I"m a B..B..B....Busy BEE!!!!
Last week was indeed a super busy weekdays that I've ever encountered.
It started off real bad on Wednesday when we had registration for new students then I had to invigilate EPT (English Placement Test) that very night. The test started at 940pm (it was scheduled to be held at 9pm but thing didn't go the way we planned) and the test ended at 1040pm. I was lucky that mr.hubster sent me to the office that day so he had to fetch me back later on which was a HUGE relief to me. If not, I have to drive on my own in the middle of the night. Creepy that is. When the test finished, we had to sort the scripts for the lecturers. Everything was done at 1130pm. Mr.hubs brought Umar with him. Pity my babies they had to wait for me forever, at least to me :P
We arrived home when the clock struck 12am and I was super tired that I couldn't be bothered to take bath. I just washed my face and change clothes and hit the sack. Thennnnnnn, Umar decided to be cranky and super clingy even though he was sleepy. I can finally have my peaceful sleep at 230am.
The next morning, I had to wake up at 6am since I have an appointment with my doctor. It was the hardest ever time to wake up. I swear I could fall asleep while waiting for my turn. Then me and hubster went to buy breakfast and we have to be back at the hospital at 930am. Everything was settle around 1130am and we headed home. I was so tired and sleepy and hungry at the same time. I had hard time to take nap since my baby is awake. Can you imagine that?
Okay, then I had to mark the EPT scripts because it was due the next morning. I was so close to crying while marking the scripts. I had around 70 scripts to be marked in only a few hours. I literally looked like a panda that day.
The next day which is Friday, I was busy with keying in the EPT marks then after lunch hour, me and my colleague, Syafiqah, had to stream the students according to their level. We had a very difficult time streaming the students due to the number of students and technology glitch. We managed to finished our job at 830pm. There was no more car left at the parking space and it was so freaking dark. I arrived home at 9pm-ish.
See how busy I was last week? I'm not complaining though. It's just that I felt super tired and my entire body was aching like hell. Tidur tak cukup & tak tentu hala buat badan berangin je. That's why I feel like murdering people who complain about their timetable and whatnot to me after everything is done. Kalau salah sikit ja kena sembur, padahal macam nak gila orang buat timetable and stream students bagai. Yang tu tak ada pulak nak cakap thank you kan? My colleague yang baru buat timetable this semester pon rasa nak quit the job sebab stress. hahaha! kesian Syafiqah. Been there done that dik. You'll be immune to it sooner or later. Next semester keisan pulak because she might have to do all these on her own since I'll be on my long leave until November.
Dah habis minggu busy. This week new semester starts so say hello to new faces and challenges. Hopefully I'll be able to undergo my 6weeks of lecturing peacefully and smoothly :)
It started off real bad on Wednesday when we had registration for new students then I had to invigilate EPT (English Placement Test) that very night. The test started at 940pm (it was scheduled to be held at 9pm but thing didn't go the way we planned) and the test ended at 1040pm. I was lucky that mr.hubster sent me to the office that day so he had to fetch me back later on which was a HUGE relief to me. If not, I have to drive on my own in the middle of the night. Creepy that is. When the test finished, we had to sort the scripts for the lecturers. Everything was done at 1130pm. Mr.hubs brought Umar with him. Pity my babies they had to wait for me forever, at least to me :P
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this was taken during the EPT Pic courtesy of Rosy's instagram :) |
The next morning, I had to wake up at 6am since I have an appointment with my doctor. It was the hardest ever time to wake up. I swear I could fall asleep while waiting for my turn. Then me and hubster went to buy breakfast and we have to be back at the hospital at 930am. Everything was settle around 1130am and we headed home. I was so tired and sleepy and hungry at the same time. I had hard time to take nap since my baby is awake. Can you imagine that?
Okay, then I had to mark the EPT scripts because it was due the next morning. I was so close to crying while marking the scripts. I had around 70 scripts to be marked in only a few hours. I literally looked like a panda that day.
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ni la EPT scripts. Hazibul hazab nak menanda hokey! |
See how busy I was last week? I'm not complaining though. It's just that I felt super tired and my entire body was aching like hell. Tidur tak cukup & tak tentu hala buat badan berangin je. That's why I feel like murdering people who complain about their timetable and whatnot to me after everything is done. Kalau salah sikit ja kena sembur, padahal macam nak gila orang buat timetable and stream students bagai. Yang tu tak ada pulak nak cakap thank you kan? My colleague yang baru buat timetable this semester pon rasa nak quit the job sebab stress. hahaha! kesian Syafiqah. Been there done that dik. You'll be immune to it sooner or later. Next semester keisan pulak because she might have to do all these on her own since I'll be on my long leave until November.
Dah habis minggu busy. This week new semester starts so say hello to new faces and challenges. Hopefully I'll be able to undergo my 6weeks of lecturing peacefully and smoothly :)
Umar's milestone
So today i'm gonna share Umar's milestone. He's going to turn 3 this year so there are a lot of things that he learned and encountered throughout his 3 years life. He's a very talkative boy that sometimes mommy couldn't handle him. That explains why I love to call him 'Popcorn Royale'.
He grows up together with his cousins and sometimes it's hard to teach him to converse in English. Whenever he is with me, I try my very best to use as much English as possible as the medium of conversation. He'll listen and use a lot of Malay while he stays with my sister (his babysitter and kekasih gelap). Since kids are able to be bilingual so I guess it's easy for him to pick up the two languages.
I would always ask him "what's/who's this/that?" whenever we come across something or someone he knows or familiar with. He could answer pretty well though sometimes I had a hard time to guess what he's trying to tell me. hehehehe! He will also do the same thing to me whenever he comes things/people he knows. He loves reading his books and I love to buy him books :)
So last Saturday, after I done bathing and just about to enter the room, I heard him talking to himself. He was reading his book on the bed. Then he asked me "mommy, wat tet (what's that?) while pointing at a picture in his book. I couldn't get it at first then he answered himself "dob! (dog)". After that he pointed his finger to other picture and started to say it out loud. I joined him and asked him to guess the picture I pointed. He could remember and he knows a lot of things in the book.
His version are as follows:
Those are the words from his books. There are a lot others which he can recall/memorise/know. I am so proud of my baby.
He loves to sing too which he inherits from me and hubster. kadang-kadang dalam kereta selalu nyanyi sampai anak pon dah terikut-ikut. Tula, mommy selalu sangat nyanyi masa mengandung kat Umar :P
He can sing and follow Bruno Mars' 'just the way you are' from the beginning to the end although his pronunciation is so funny.hehehe!
Baby, you grow up a lot more than mommy expected because I still see you as a baby. Tapi anak mommy dah big boy now, Alhamdulillah. Mommy prays for all the good things for you and may you excel now and in the hereafter. I love you so much sayang :)
He grows up together with his cousins and sometimes it's hard to teach him to converse in English. Whenever he is with me, I try my very best to use as much English as possible as the medium of conversation. He'll listen and use a lot of Malay while he stays with my sister (his babysitter and kekasih gelap). Since kids are able to be bilingual so I guess it's easy for him to pick up the two languages.
I would always ask him "what's/who's this/that?" whenever we come across something or someone he knows or familiar with. He could answer pretty well though sometimes I had a hard time to guess what he's trying to tell me. hehehehe! He will also do the same thing to me whenever he comes things/people he knows. He loves reading his books and I love to buy him books :)
So last Saturday, after I done bathing and just about to enter the room, I heard him talking to himself. He was reading his book on the bed. Then he asked me "mommy, wat tet (what's that?) while pointing at a picture in his book. I couldn't get it at first then he answered himself "dob! (dog)". After that he pointed his finger to other picture and started to say it out loud. I joined him and asked him to guess the picture I pointed. He could remember and he knows a lot of things in the book.
His version are as follows:
- Orse (horse)
- Pony
- Meow (cat. Yes we had a hard time to teach him to call it cat instead of meow)
- Chip (sheep)
- Ephen (elephant)
- Montey (monkey)
- Pire tuck (Fire truck)
- Ambien (ambulance)
- Mototitle (motocycle)
- Thomas (train. Too much thomas and friends and yet another hard time)
- Train ( crane *sigh*)
- Pekho (backhoe)
- Tar (car)
- Pwish tar (police car)
- Mommy
- Didi (daddy)
- Antle (uncle)
- Aunty
- Gwempa (grandpa)
- Gwemma (grandma)
- Boy
- Girl
- Baby
- Banana
- Appo (apple)
Those are the words from his books. There are a lot others which he can recall/memorise/know. I am so proud of my baby.
He loves to sing too which he inherits from me and hubster. kadang-kadang dalam kereta selalu nyanyi sampai anak pon dah terikut-ikut. Tula, mommy selalu sangat nyanyi masa mengandung kat Umar :P
He can sing and follow Bruno Mars' 'just the way you are' from the beginning to the end although his pronunciation is so funny.hehehe!
Baby, you grow up a lot more than mommy expected because I still see you as a baby. Tapi anak mommy dah big boy now, Alhamdulillah. Mommy prays for all the good things for you and may you excel now and in the hereafter. I love you so much sayang :)
Sunday Well Spent
Yesterday was a well spent Sunday for me and my babies. In the morning, we went out to buy breakfast somewhere in Shah Alam. Then we watched TV and lazed around while waiting for Umar's nap time.
While Umar was sleeping, my sexy chef prepared the stuff to cook our late lunch since we have a super late breakfast. He decided to make fried spaghetti since it'd be the easiest and fastest meal to cook. I wanted to cook aglio olio but we ran out of chilli flakes and oregano so yeah it turned out to be fried spaghetti ala suka hati. The spaghetti was yummy (anything prepared by him is yummy for me :P) and habis okay? Even Umar loved it too. He asked for it right after he woke up from his nap. Siap tambah dua kali lagi, so much like daddy :)
Later that evening, we took Umar to Bukit Jelutong andKuang because hubster needed to settle some work. After that we brought Umar to City One SkyPark near Subang. It took only 10minutes from our house tapi dari Kuang tu jauh la jugak kan. This is our first time here.
Verdict :
We should've bought him to the Main Place at the first place. Boleh la mommy shopping sebab kat situ lagi banyak retail stores and ada Jaya Grocer. So boleh la mommy makan that BIG ASS steak lagi :P
Next time baby, next time!
While Umar was sleeping, my sexy chef prepared the stuff to cook our late lunch since we have a super late breakfast. He decided to make fried spaghetti since it'd be the easiest and fastest meal to cook. I wanted to cook aglio olio but we ran out of chilli flakes and oregano so yeah it turned out to be fried spaghetti ala suka hati. The spaghetti was yummy (anything prepared by him is yummy for me :P) and habis okay? Even Umar loved it too. He asked for it right after he woke up from his nap. Siap tambah dua kali lagi, so much like daddy :)
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my plate.mine has a dash of cili padi.barula kick! |
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babyboo was enjoying is second serving. he just woke up, hence the messy hair |
Later that evening, we took Umar to Bukit Jelutong andKuang because hubster needed to settle some work. After that we brought Umar to City One SkyPark near Subang. It took only 10minutes from our house tapi dari Kuang tu jauh la jugak kan. This is our first time here.
Verdict :
- Too new and not many shops are opened.
- Too many unfamiliar shops and restaurants.
- A good place to take your kids for jalan-jalan without having to overspent.
- My sister said, the buiding is yet to receive its CF..okay this is scary since the skypark sangatla tinggi and we even took Umar up for sight-seeing. Dah la ramai gila orang atas tu and some parts of the floor are made from glass.
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my life |
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ada budak tak malu naik car hello kitty :P |
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i was bullied by my son.sebab mommy suka sangat nyanyi dalam kereta :D |
Next time baby, next time!
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