I'm having major migraine attack since last night. It's pretty normal for me for having migraine every now and then with my condition and what not but it kinda bothers me a tad since I have loads of things to do and to settle. Being attach to lappy doesn't help at all and it worsen my pain but I have get over and done with my workload. So yeah that explains my meroyanNESS this morning and thus I write here. heheheh. I just want to SLEEP.
tell me about it *roll eyes* |
this is so me!! |
this is what I should prolly be doing |
or this? |
yeah I need this so bad! |
* source of images: Google
Baru pagi tadi dengar kat Mix.fm about people complaining on their work that they are attached to and now here I am complaining. Arghhhhh! Cepat la masa berlalu sikit. I just want to have my long holiday. Tak baik complain..tak baik..tak baik..
Ok gotta go. Udah-udah le derailed dari tugasan sebenar. Nak cari bahan for module yang entah bila nak habis mak pon tak tauuuuuuu!
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